Welcome to

The Learning Nest


Preschoolers learn and develop through creative activities like drama, craft, music and dance. Experiencing, discovering and experimenting are the most important parts of preschooler creative activities. 


Exploring also gives toddlers a chance to work on important motor skills. Whether it's kicking a ball or climbing stairs, they can persist until they get it right. Doing so not only adds skills, it boosts their sense of confidence and competence. In other words, they begin to think: "I can do it!"


Play is central to how children learn—the way they form and explore friendships, the way they shape and test hypotheses, and the way they make sense of their world.

Growing their creative confidence

Each creative activity is an opportunity for your child to embrace a new challenge. Through hands-on learning, your child is more likely to remain engaged and to build upon their creative problem-solving skills.

Caring for your children

We care for your children in an environment where learning is fun so that love of learning is a foundation for your child’s life.